Monday, April 16, 2012

a routine road affair!

The audio was illustrative of routine cacophony and disruptiveness but the visual was uncharacteristically gruesome. Honking horns and speeding cars were all happening; yet a portion of the road was silent and static.

Two dead bodies, happless victims of reckless driving I suppose, lay there with arms folded around their chest in perfect disposition but giving  a gory vibe. However the most disappointing and appaling feature of this episode was the triumvirate of youth standing right above those bodies showing no sign of sadness or even solemnity on their beaming faces. It looked, disturbingly though, as if they had shot those two targets in a video game; hence rejoicing on their success and discussing who sweeps the next round. Even elders around that triumvirate didn’t care to stop it or impart some sense as they were too busy in their disgraceful attempts at finding their place and showing up in the camera.

People say we are a great nation; we might be a nation by definition but I have never been able to digest the prefix “great”. Ignorant of their own death, apathetic towards the gravity of the situation, discarding the sentiments of the beleaguered and quelling their conscience; to me THAT was my youth and nation today.

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